TJ Lokomotiva

TJ Lokomotiva Nymburk ( Dragonteam Nymburk ) (CZE) (woman)


DOSC Paddle Crew

DOSC Paddle Crew is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where we train at Dubai Offshore Sailing Club on Jumeirah Beach. The team was formed by a group of ex-Dubai Diggers, after their success winning 7 medals at the CWCC in Adelaide in 2016.


Typhoons Dragon Boat Club

Typhoons Dragon Boat Club HK was founded in 2015 to bring together all dragon boat paddlers in Hong Kong with the desire to compete against the best teams internationally.


Los Angeles Racing Dragons

Los Angeles Racing Dragons were founded by family & friends after participating in the inaugural Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival in California in 1996, and enjoyed the camaraderie, health benefits & competitiveness of this sport so much that we formed Long Beach’s first year-round team in 1998.


Oyster Point Dragons

Oyster Point Dragons (OPD) continues to promote the sport of dragon boating in a fun and safe environment while fostering team spirit and friendship.


Cascades Women

Based out of Chelsea Quebec, Canada, the Cascades Women is a competitive dragon boat team committed to paddling strong and united in our goal to succeed as one boat, one team with trust, respect, commitment, and to enjoy the journey along the way!


Sprulde United

Sprulde United is a combined crew comprised of formerly two separate teams from Germany, which has competed in a number of regional and national tournaments since 2009.



WAM, from Washington state in the US, challenges and inspires masters-level athletes through fitness, friendship and adventure, to individually and collectively demonstrate dedication, integrity and adaptability as they train toward world competitive levels in the sport of dragon boating.


Club H2O Playground

Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2O Playground was founded in 2005


Vienna Police Dragons

This year the Vienna Police Sport Association will be 100 years old. The home of our club is in the most beautiful part of Vienna at the Old Danube in the 22nd district.


Simi 2025

A Magyar Sárkányhajó Szövetség sportolói 2025. július 15 - 20 között Brandenburg an der Havel - Németországban a 17. IDBF Sárkányhajó Világbajnokságon, 2025. szeptember 4 - 7. között Belgrád - Szerbiában a 20.EDBF Sárkányhajó Európa - bajnokságon versenyeznek. Simi 2025-ben ismét útra kell, hogy elkísérje, segítse a magyar sportolókat a világversenyeken.

További információk
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11. IDBF Klub Legénység Sárkányhajó Világbajnokság Európai Sárkányhajó Szövetség Magyar Sárkányhajó Szövetség Nemzetközi Sárkányhajó Szövetség Nemzeti Versenysport Szövetség 11. IDBF Klub Legénység Sárkányhajó Világbajnokság